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Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:36 am
by Eric Fry
Hi Guys,

Just a quick note to announce a new project that I've started called Nuvie.

Nuvie aims to be a game engine for Ultima 6, Martian Dreams and Savage Empire. At the moment Nuvie can render the Ultima 6 map with animations and objects.

I've been developing Nuvie under Mac OS X but it should compile under any platform supported by SDL. :)

You can find Nuvie on SourceForge.

All the code so far is available in CVS.

If anyone is interested in helping out with this project feel free to drop me a line.


Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:18 am
by Karlos
Awesome! U6 was definately one of the better Ultimas. Now all we need is someone to write new engines for Ultimas 1, 2, 3 and 5! :-)


Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:17 am
by artaxerxes
/me thinks this should go in the links page if it is not there already


ps: all the best for your project! I loved those 3 games you are working on. To be honest, I've always wanted to know all the conversation options you could have with the folks. Maybe your project will fulfill this desire!

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:51 am
by Colourless
Well, considering that the site didn't even exist yesterday, it's just only a tad unlikely for it to already be on the links page. :-)

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:00 am
by wjp
Link added :-)

And a toast to Lord British...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:27 am
by Dino3
This project will get a link and announcement from my site.

Good luck and best wishes with it!

Re: Karl Garrison

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:29 am
by Dino3
>>>>>Now all we need is someone to write new engines for Ultimas 1, 2, 3 and 5! :-)

I think if someone can get the source code of Ultimatrix, it wouldn't be hard to make such a thing, considering the map viewer is already there...

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:30 am
by Clock Nova
Alright! Maybe I can finally finish Ultima 6, the only one besides IX (which I never got to play) that I did not beat. And it's OSX native! Way to go!

Also, I can finally play the World of Ultima games, if I can find copies for sale. Hurry up and finish! Please!

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:21 am
by SB-X
This is amazing. I've always wanted a new engine for U6 to play on (possibly) any platforms I use, like Exult. I hope you stay as true to the original as possible (havn't checked out the link yet). Good luck with it!

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:25 am
by Clock Nova
While I think it is important to stay as true to the original as possible, it would probably be a good thing if you tried to make some improvements to the interface. I remember U6 as having the worst UI of all the Ultimas. It was an early attempt to make a mouse-driven game out of a historically keyboard-driven series, and it was not altogether successful. It ended up requiring an uncomfortable mix of keyboard and mouse commands which led me to finally stop playing it (that, and I had to leave my Mac and play it on a PS/2).

Anyone remember how frustrating navigating through the character inventories and trading items around could be?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:38 am
by SB-X
Except for the interface then. :)
I actually want a full screen mode like Exult, instead of just the small corner window. That was the most annoying thing for me in the original. The inventory didn't bother me but I don't remember moving items between characters.

I've also now compiled Nuvie, in Slackware Linux, after a few changes. It works as advertised (see screenshot at above mentioned website), and I can use the arrow keys to scroll the map. So far so good. It only needs a few changes to compile and run (like hardcoded paths).

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:04 pm
by sjs191
Excellent!! I was thinking an exult-like Ultima 6 engine would be very cool.

Re: the interface, My thinking is that it would be better to totally re-work it so that it works more like Ultima 7's. Instead of permanently wasting huge chunks of the screen, use gumps for backpacks etc. the same way that Ultima 7 does.. During the majority of the time in-game where I'm not in a conversation or inventory management etc I prefer to have only the game world visible as U7 does it...

Thoughts anyone?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:46 pm
by Jared

make tweaks optional, not commanded.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:17 pm
by Eric Fry
I hope to offer both a faithfull recreation and a tweaked version with all the bells and whistles as togglable extras.

I must admit a full screen mode would be nice! But I do like the original all the same.

Moving objects between party members in the original was a hassle.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:18 pm
by Clock Nova
While I admire your dedication, I think, in this instance, a complete recreation would not be a good thing. Many people feel that the user interface of U6 prevented the game from being truly enjoyable (it made me stop playing it, something I have done with no other Ultima, not even VIII). That being the case, why would someone want to recreate an unpleasant experience? I, for one, would still not want to play it.

If it is possible to improve the UI and allow for the original UI to be kept in as an option, great. Otherwise, I say improve as much as possible. Making it play more like VII may not be feasible, but something certainly could be done.

With the great graphics scalers we have, it certainly seems possible to make the game play full screen.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:32 am
by Andrea B Previtera
Or even just showing a big portion of the world. I don't think there were distance-triggered events in Ultima VI.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:29 am
by Clock Nova
Don't you love how this guy tells us he's creating a new engine for U6, in his own time, and free of charge, and we're dictating to him what he should do and how to do it?

Seriously. Just finish it any way you can. if you want to improve on the original, then go for it!


Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:32 am
by artaxerxes
by the way, before it is too late to ask the question, what does Nuvie stands for (if it stands for something)?


Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:58 am
by Karlos
Let me take a guess: New Ultima VI Engine?


Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:02 am
by RazorBlade
Too easy ... Noone gets it :P

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:09 pm
by Eric Fry
>> Let me take a guess: New Ultima VI Engine?

That's right. :)

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:31 pm
by Andrea B Previtera
> Don't you love how this guy tells us he's creating a new engine for U6, in > his own time, and free of charge, and we're dictating to him what he
> should do and how to do it?

Dictations blends seamlessly into suggestion, but I think that suggestions is what we are giving here. In the end you can yell "BLUE! BLUE! BLUE!" but the painter will use RED anyway, if he feels that it's better, no?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:55 pm
by Moorkh
There are already a few projects that heve attempted similar stuff. Please make sure to read that thread:

There are at least three of them mentioned. Some have been abandoned, and they might have slightly different goals, but I think you could do worse than checking them out. Who knows, maybe you could get some of their creators to team up with you, even :)

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:55 pm
by suraimu
> In the end you can yell "BLUE! BLUE! BLUE!" but the painter will use RED anyway, if he feels that it's better, no?

Or, in this case, "SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! HUMBUG!".

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 3:29 pm
by Elden
Will this be able to work on a windows PC or only on macs?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 6:38 pm
by Eric Fry
Nuvie currently runs on win32, linux and Mac OS X.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:09 am
by Elden
Bravo, This wll be excellent - especially if you have something like Exult studio. We could create our own Worlds of Ultima games...

In fact on these forums ages ago I saw:

"Two others which I seem to recall reading were considered were an Arthurian crossover, and an ancient Greek visit. Apparently elements of the latter idea wound up being used for Pagan."

These would be great to create!

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:12 pm
by Elden
Perhaps you could create a Nuvie forum on your page as this thread seems dead!

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:50 am
by Dominus
why do you think an extra forum will trigger more discussion? As long as nuvie is in that (pre?)alpha state I don't suppose an extra forum is needed.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:36 am
by Darke
Currently there's really many posts on the forum as it is to really justify there *needing* to be a brand new forum just for nuvie. We considered doing this for pentagram but decided we wouldn't bother until pentagram related posts started being a significant presence on the exult one. *grin*

A similar thing happened with the irc channel too, there's a #pentagram, but still quite a bit of the conversation relating to it is still on #exult, simply because everyone is there anyway.

So currently, it's really more of a 'remake the engine' forum rather then exult specific, but I don't think anyone's going to complain *too* loudly about it's 'purity of purpose' being diminished simply for the convenience of not having to check three forums a day. *grin*

(And besides, if conversation for nuvie isn't enough to support a *single* thread, why do you think there'll be enough to support an entire forum? *grin*)

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 7:04 am
by Armchair_Avatar
Perhaps you could create a Nuvie forum on your page as this thread seems dead!
There's a forum on the Nuvie project page:

I don't know if the developers read it, though ;-)

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 6:37 pm
by Galleon Dragon
Wow! Ultima 6 was really popular!
I'm also making an Ultima 6 game called Ultima 6 Online (U6O)
You can check out some screenshots on this page:
I added a new screenshot today.

Why re-create an exact copy of the original. I have XP and the original works fine on my PC. Nice that Nuvie will be multiplatform :)

Could you make it an open engine where people can create their own stories and share them? That would be awesome!

Also check out this discussion: ... =138.topic

Ask me if there's something I can help you with.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 7:45 pm
by Jared
So - yours doesn't move at lightning speed, or you have XP installed on a 386? And the SFX are at the right speed?

What kind of system you using?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:28 am
by Dominus
Check out Dosbox. It plays Ultima 6 just fine

Honestly I'd rather play the "exact" copy Nuvie aims to be than a recreation based on something like Dungeon Siege (or whatever that is called) or Neverwinter Nights.
True I'm very in favor of an improved interface, larger screen, scaling/filtering and such things (like exult did for U7) but not in a whole new look. The charm is to use the original art and music files.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 4:45 am
by Clock Nova
I like to be able to do both, actually. That's why I'm currently keeping tabs on numerous Ultima recreations and adaptations. When I want the original U7, I have exult; when I want the U7 with a more visceral experience, there are at least two other U7 adaptations coming out on other engines. I look forward to playing them all, though most aren't likely to be that good, or even get finished.

But I am glad that Nuvie is going to be more like Exult. I would really like to play U6 as it originally was before going with a moern version. But yes, please update that damn interface! Ugh.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:43 pm
by Skutarth
I am looking forward to it. Good luck.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 3:06 am
by Telemachos
I'm also a bit puzzled why an exact copy is needed. As someone else mentioned it plays under XP and any speed issues - can't they be solved with a CPU slowdown program? As for multi-platform - I haven't checked but I would guess wine or even dosemu would work for this game?

I agree that using the original graphics as much as possible would be a great thing though.. so instead of drawing new tiles or something like that I guess one could use the original and enhance the look by the use of scalers (like exult does). Another improvement that wouldn't alter the original look *too* much would be to redesign the interface to have the actual game-area take up more of the screenspace..

- Tele

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 3:35 am
by Karlos
One wouldn't really need to redesign the interface to allow the game area to take more space; just allow for higher resolutions, and the game area will be the part that expands to fill the bigger screen.


Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 2:03 pm
by sjs191
I like that idea of allowing higher resolutions and making game area take up all the extra space.. but I'm not sure if that'll work when you increase veritcal resolution. What do you put "underneath" the user interface components on the right?

What about if you made it so that the user interface components worked as in the original, but were only visible "on-demand" so to speak, and not visibile the rest of the time?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 7:42 pm
by Jared
with a p3 700, no cpu slower seems to have the desired effect. and I have tried.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 9:09 pm
by SB-X
You are using MoSlo? I don't know if that works with Windows XP since I don't have that OS.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:33 am
by Dominus
Jared, check out dosbox.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:49 am
by wjp

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:12 am
by Jared
dosbox doesnt work well either :(

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:32 pm
by Dominus
Have you tried their brandnew version 0.58 ?
Now loacated at

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:51 pm
by Jared
I just tried it. Savage Empire works alright, but I notice that the gfx and sfx slow down choppily if I move the mouse alot - a limitation of the emulator, I am sure.

But - no music in Ultima 6! What do I have to do?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 9:46 pm
by SB-X
Set up the sound information with the setup program.

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 11:47 pm
by Dominus
and did you read their readme on how to speed emualtion up?

Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:26 am
by artaxerxes
btw, I get sound for Ultima 6 with dosbox .58


Re: Nuvie - A new game engine for Ultima 6

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 5:25 am
by Jared
The mouse movement/slowdown issue has to do with multithreading priorities. Moving the mouse a lot robs Dosbox of cpu cycles.

I used the u6 setup program first thing.