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Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 2:29 pm
by Tenchi
Yes, I'm done with the Expack-frontend! ^_^
You can download it here: (15kb)

This far, the frontend supports extracting all files from a flex file and building a flex file using a text file. The text file should have full paths for all files. Visit and download Dir-It for a tool to easily create directory contents lists.

More to come in future versions.

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 4:40 pm
by Dominus
I just had a look at it and found that it heavily relies on some ocx and/or dlls that are not installed by default on a Win32 system. The first one it asked for was comdlg32.ocx, but this one I could easily find in some "Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime und Controls" archive. But then it asked for flatbtn2.ocx. So where do I get this one from?
A little hint: try out (the page is in German but Tenchi shouldn´t have a problem with that - just for you non-German speaking people). That program gives you a list of used resources when you right click on a running application - usefull for checking if an application uses some non-standard dll.
Could you send me the missing ocx? thx

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 6:50 am
by Tenchi
Well, I wrote that you need the VB 6 Runtime for it in the ReadMe (even provided a link for it), so anyone who doesn't RTFM (read the fucking manual) doesn't know this, of course.
I thought all neccessary files would be included... I'll add the left-out ocx to the Expack-frontend archive immediately.
I'll also check out that other proggie - thanks for the link.

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 8:19 am
by nadir
Everybody knows what RTFM means, and it is in fact "Read The Friendly Manual"


Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 10:30 am
by Daemongar
I thought it was Rudyom the Flustered Mage...

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 10:55 am
by comat0se
and the Expack-frontend is what? Your anime patch?

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 1:09 pm
by Tenchi
> and the Expack-frontend is what? Your anime patch?

Dun-dun-dun-duh! Apparently you don't know what a frontend is.
The frontend operates the expack program for you so you don't have to mess with that ugly command line. Extract files from flex files and build flex files with just a few mouse clicks! Doesn't get any easier.

Btw, I've added the missing ocx now and re-uploaded the archive. The Url is still the same:

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 10:56 pm
by Dominus
hehe, that´s my job to tell people to RTFM :-)
Should listen to my own advice sometimes it seems.
Ok, now I trully tested it and yes, it looks nice and should help people with problems running expack from the command line.

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 11:28 pm
by nadir
Actually, when Dominik says RTFM it means "Read The FAQ, Man !!!"

I disagree with the fact that command-lines are ugly. We need expack to be invoked from within our build process, in order to automatically generate "exult.flx", therefore we need something that can be launched from a script.
Expack was never designed as an end-user tool.

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 4:16 am
by Colourless
We are programmers. What do you expect? We don't need no fancy GUI's.

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 10:12 am
by Tenchi
> I disagree with the fact that command-lines are ugly.

Sure they are - and an absolute PAIN IN THE ASS to use.

> We need expack to be invoked from within our build process, in order to automatically generate "exult.flx",
> therefore we need something that can be launched from a script.

I could easily add something so that it can be called from a script and then automatically creates "exult.flx".

> Expack was never designed as an end-user tool.

That's why I wrote the frontend, so you don't have to mess with that UGLY command line.

> We are programmers. What do you expect? We don't need no fancy GUI's.

Well, if you want to continue living in the stone age, that's your problem.

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 10:21 am
by Dominus
>> We need expack to be invoked from within our build process, in order to >> automatically generate "exult.flx",
>> therefore we need something that can be launched from a script.

>I could easily add something so that it can be called from a script and >then automatically creates "exult.flx".

You are forgetting that Exult is a multiplatform project and having a Windows gui program there is not going to work.

>> Expack was never designed as an end-user tool.

> That's why I wrote the frontend, so you don't have to mess with that UGLY command line

Which is fine and a good approach for those that have problems using command line tools

>> We are programmers. What do you expect? We don't need no fancy GUI's.

> Well, if you want to continue living in the stone age, that's your problem.

To everyone his own preferences - no need to start a flame war over preferences.

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:03 am
by Colourless
Gee, my comment was meant as a joke. :-)

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 1:46 pm
by drcode
>> We are programmers. What do you expect? We don't need no fancy GUI's.

> Well, if you want to continue living in the stone age, that's your problem.

In the Stone Age, I'd say that they did use GUI's. And the command-line hadn't been invented yet.:-)

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 6:32 pm
by suraimu



In the words of those one dudes from Ultima 2:


Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:35 pm
by nadir
Tenchi, we appreciate your effort. But you should appreciate OURS as well. I don't want to start a debate about command lines/GUIs. I am far more productive with tools such as make/sed/grep/perl etc. which provide me with a great deal of flexibility and portability.
You say you can provide scripting ability to your GUI, but what's the point. I'll just use expack directly...

Command-lines are not stone age. Non portable applications are.

Re: Expack-frontend is done!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 8:38 am
by drcode
Yes, I don't want flame wars either. I appreciate Tenchi's efforts, and think everyone should use what he/she likes best.

If some of us seem a little touchy about a Windows-only GUI, please realize that the 'X' in Exult stands for 'X Windows'. Exult wasn't supposed to be a complete game engine, but, rather, a demo program (and programming exercise) so see if a graphics-intensive game would be feasible under X. The only reason we support Windows is that it is what most Ultima fans are using.