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Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:14 pm
by Dominus
Yes ;)
Windows Vista and newer prevents saving files in the program files subfolders if you don't operate with administrator rights ;)

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:55 pm
by dale somewhere in Louisiana
Now I think I'll start from scratch so everything isn't such a mess. Clean things up which should be quick work. Then code the actually dialogue (as opposed to just the test character i made) and i will officially have a patch that hopefully people will try (it will onluly be about 10 mins of gameplay).
Thanks for all the help!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:24 pm
by dale somewhere in Florida
Okay... so after testing a few things, I THINK objects (such as an NPC) dropped on the map do not save in the patch folder. Blargh!
I was under the impression I could just zip up the patch folder s. that others could try it.. but I am sensing now that this is not the case. Is it going to be complicated to pack it up for others?

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:59 pm
by Dominus
they should save... if you hit save everything in Studio.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:14 pm
by dale somewhere in Florida
I got instagrammed working on the mod.
I don't have instagram so when I found out I told him yo hash tag exult. He hashed exalt.. oof.
#ultimamod (which just auto corrected to 'urinals')
(I'm bad at being current on the internet)

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:55 pm
by Dale
The saving thing has been a bit weird... it wasn't always saving the NPC, or saving him but not the face shape that I had applied. I decided to try saving the map to see what that would do, and now I can't even start a new game without it just making a new character in the spot I saved the map. I am a bit lost on this front. I don't know what to do on that front. Is it possible to revert the map back to normal?
What I am trying to do is make it so that NPC shows up not only in the saved game I inserted it in, but when I start a new game too. That way I can have others try it when it is done.
My lofty dream is to make something deemed worthy of the keyring mod or something.

Also! I didn;t realize there was a built in editor and compiler!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:58 pm
by Dale
Also.. despite that, the character still won't save his face (there's a pun in there somewhere). The dialogue is all working fine (though I will want to refine it, of course)... but the face just won't show up until I re-edit him.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:21 am
by Dale
Still stuck on this if anyone has any suggestions. Especially with rolling back the map to the original (and thus allowing new games to start as usual). As I mentioned above, since saving the map, new games just load to wherever my most recent save is. With new avatar name and all. Not sure what's up with that.

Other things I am unsure about:
-How to properly pack everything as a patch so when a new game is started, the new NPCs are where I have placed them.
-Help with the face thing would be cool too.

I reckon when I am able to actually sit down at a desk I'll be able to figure out the later two, but who knows.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:26 pm
by Dale
I haven't done anything with it since I got stuck with the above issues, and I know it's nothing particularly special... but here is an image of the weapon I had created.


The dialog with the NPC worked fine (though the face sprite was just a bad editing of a pre-existing character), I just didn't know how to make any of this into a package so I could have other people try or even just transfer it to my PC so I don't EVER have to try this kind of thing with a tackpad EVER again.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:13 pm
by TDI
Hey Dale,
that's not bad for a start. It's a shame nobody is helping you out with the issues you mentioned. It would be pretty nice to have a tutorial of sorts to hack around with U7 for fun and giggles.

I actually did some usecoding myself a -long- time ago. I made it so you could chop down trees and get a log by using an axe on a tree, the tree shape being replaced by a treestump. It actually looked pretty nice with animation and all, but it would mess up when leaving and returning as the tree would be back, along with the stump. The U7 chunk system isn't really cut out for this kind of thing. :)

Unfortunately I am completely out of the loop and can't help you...

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:04 pm
by Dale
That is REALLY neat! Shame the system didn't allow for it to stick.

I'm pretty proud of every step I have made with this. This was never meant to be my magnum opus or anything, but a good learning experience/starting point. I feel good about it.
Even though I am not good at the art side, I am glad I learned the steps necessary to bring new objects into the game.
I'm even MORE proud to have created an NPC with a working dialogue tree. I just need to figure out how to insert said NPC as a permanent fixture and not just a cheat/hackmoved object within that instance of the game.
If I ever get this idea to a point where I am happy with it, I would definitely consider a tutorial of sorts. If nothing else, just a step by step of the things I did, the troubles I had, the solutions.. something like that. A place to start for new-comers.

Truthfully, what I was working towards is the one thing I genuinely think U7 lacked... equipment variety. The Hoe of Destruction was a great one and well executed, but there isn't really anything beyond that to find that isn't the standard stuff you can find in any random dungeon. I even thought about just adding some neat stuff onto random corpses in dungeons. The magebane was a cool example of an item with interesting properties that was a bit more rare... but I think there could be more.

Big thanks for the positive words. Hopefully I will eventually have enough knowledge that I can contribute something to the community.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:23 pm
by Malignant Manor
I think you might need to always start the game in map edit mode to prevent deletion of the egg. You might be able to fix it by writing down the egg information and then creating a new one there. You probably need to move the Avatar to that spot and set his don't render flag.

I'm not sure about the face saving but it doesn't matter because you can specify what face you want in the conversation code.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:27 am
by Dale
I don't fully understand the first part(start the game in map edit mode?) , but I think what I'm going to do is just wipe out everything I've done and start from scratch. I have all the shape files I have made and I have the usecode.. so I reckon the only thing I really need to do is take screen caps of the different studio tabs for the weapon. Throw those in and I'm back where I was.
Still... would like to understand WHY whatever happened happened... because starting a new game does not have me coming out of a moongate and trigger the conversations in Trinsic. Something I want to avoid happening again in the future.
I think my issue might be that everything I have been doing is just editing an instance of the game. Any suggestions on what to do so my changes are contained specifically as a mod?
I am having difficulty putting into words what I mean there. I hope it makes sense to someone.

re: the face
If I can just call a face in the conversation code, then that will solve that problem. Thanks. Any idea what the code to do so is?

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:09 am
by Dale
Ugh. Okay.. so despite reading through the documentation several times, I apparently totally blew it. The reason I would want to make a tutorial is for people like me who have literally NO clue... There was just so much to figure out at first. I'll try and make a step by step when I finish this first project. I think it's the best bet for over-eager fools like me.

SO... everything I have been doing was 'patching' the game, not 'moding' it. I reckon that is why it created all the problems I was having. So that also explains what I was trying to ask above re: containing it.

Turns out the info for that was in the regular Exult documentation. The Studio documentation seems to suggest things just DO get saved in patch. There's not really any mention of 'mod's in there.

So that leaves me with the question then.. how DO I make a mod and not a patch?


Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:47 am
by Colourless
A mod is a constructed as a patch. In effect the mod's data patches the original game's data. The alternative is creating an entirely new game that doesn't use any existing content, which isn't classed as a mod.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:27 pm
by Dale
So I just rename the patch folder and drag it into the mod folder?

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:17 pm
by Dale
Once/If I figure this all out, I think I am going to start working on an add-on quest involving Sutek.
I feel like there is a lot of potential for some interesting story there..

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:12 pm
by Dale
I'd still love it if someone could help me with this. The issue again is that I added content to a game, but I don't know how to make it a mod as opposed to just, I guess, hack-editing a current save.
I have made an NPC with dialog. I have made a new weapon. I just to know what to do so it is present when a new game is started.

I know everyone is busy and I know most of my questions sound stupid.. but I'd really like to figure this out. I've read the documentation to the point where I am obviously just missing something. Haven't touched it in months because it was a brick wall for me. I'm hoping in the future I might even be able to help out with other projects.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:32 pm
by Crowley
I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it, but this is how I set up my mod (as I recall): In the main folder for Ultima 7 or Serpent Isle (not Exult's own folder), in the "mods" subfolder create a folder with whatever name you want, and then a .cfg file with the same name as the folder. Enter this into the .cfg file:

Code: Select all

 (The name you want displayed in the mod selection menu.)
  (What version the mod requires. Mine currently says "1.4.05cvs")

After that, my memory gets even hazier. I think when you first start a game with that mod, Exult automatically fills in the minimum necessary files from the main game files and folder structure.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:48 pm
by Grimlock Dragon
I just wanted to say, keep up the good work, Dale! I've always had an idea for a new subplot myself, but have only acted minimally on it. Hope you continue to push through!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:42 pm
by Dale
Thanks Crowley. That will for sure help.
I think my big struggle right now is that even with the map editor, it seems to be just the equivalent of hackmoving whenever I do something. What would be the right steps to make it so your changes apply to new games when they are made and not just thrown into the instance of the game you are currently in? (I hope I am making sense there) Basically I feel like I am editing the game that is loaded, not the game itself.

And thanks Grimlock. Sometimes a pat on the shoulder is exactly what you need! If I ever figure this out, I'll definitely try some loftier projects in the future. I think this has been a great starting point.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:16 am
by voskat
Pretty excited to skim through this thread. Hope your mod takes off soon!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:23 am
by Dale
I would still love some advice on how to do this. Can you edit the map without the game open? Would that be the best way to make changes that stick and aren't just like adding an object to your save game? Maybe this question is really dumb and it's hard to even understand, but it's the wall that I hit and don't know how to move on from. If I need to explain myself better, I will gladly try.
Basically.. am I not supposed to be making the changes from within an actual game? Because when I do, they only exist within that game (from what I can see).

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:03 am
by Dominus
Did you follow what Crowley wrote to make a mod folder for your mods and then start that mod from Exult menu?
Probably the changes stick then to the mod

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:05 am
by Dominus
You definitely need to point to a patch or mod folder (where you place your mods) to make changes stick.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:18 am
by Dale
Oh, you know what.. I didn't understand that and thought he was saying that was how you made a mod accessible from within Exult's menu. Didn't realize that was the approach for making the mod itself independent. Sorry about that, guys!
I'll play around with this for sure. Maybe then if I start a game in the mod (which I am guessing will initially just look like the game itself) and make some changes, they will stick when a subsequent new game is made.
Thanks again!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:45 pm
by SMK
To Dale

It's great sword. IT'S AWESOME!!!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:39 pm
by modnewb
Thanks for this thread Dale, it was what I was looking for that helped get me started too.

I'm running into the same problem you are. After I save my mod, every new game starts after the intro with Iolo talking to Petre. Any edits I make in the world persist, but how do you keep those edits and have a new game start from the beginning? Opening the editor as soon as the game starts doesn't stop the intro from playing.

Any clue on this would be awesome.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:25 pm
by Dominus
I'm not sure but I inestigated a bit this night and I think you need to:
- start a new game, don't save and exit Exult
- save the contents of your gamedat folder somewhere else
- start again and do your edits
- ES saves an initgame.dat file (which is nothing else but a zipped savegame)
- unzip that and replace certain files with the ones from the saved gamedat folder. Which ones I still need to investigate. Not the u7iregxxx.dat files.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:32 pm
by Dominus
soooo, after a lot of trial and error, I found to make a game "startable" with the introduction scene I needed to
- start a new unaltered game and save the contents of the gamedat folder
- then make changes to the map but do NOT alter the starting part of the map (for BG u7ireg64, for SI it should be u7ireg6d and/or u7ireg79 - see
- after changes, save via ES and unzip the initgame.dat created by that save
- replace the three files flaginit, npc.dat and u7ireg64 (for BG) of the initgame.dat with the one from the gamedat folder saved in step 1
- zip the initgame.dat folder again
- start a new game!!!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:54 pm
by Dominus
grrrrrrrr, scratch the two posts above!!!!

finally got to talk to marzo and he had some valuable advice :)

- make sure you have the starting scene enabled in the misc options
- in the unmodded game, enter map edit mode and in ES menu go to File -> new mod
- fill in your mod details
- exit Exult and ES
- start Exult in map edit mode by using the --edit switch (exult.exe --edit)
- select your mod in the mod menu
- start a new game
- the game starts paused because of map edit mode
- take note of the avatars *exact* coordinates (F2 cheat menu)
- edit the map including the initial chunk
- save via the Es save menu or ctrl-s
- exit and you should be able to start a new game including the first scene

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:14 pm
by Dale
Coming back to this today just made 2015 start great! First of all, I'm glad this thread has actually ended up being useful to some people. Thanks, Deplicator! It may have been a bit disjointed to read, but I'm glad it helped get you started.
Now I just need to schedule some time to try and dive back in. I think I am understanding your suggestions, dom. Thanks

Also. Thanks SMK for the kind words. I'd love to hear any other weapon ideas you might have in the event I ever get my act together on this.

I think I might also try doing this as an extension/edit of the keyring mod if I can find out how. Might cut out a few steps for me, plus I'd want to be able to play with both present anyway.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:37 pm
by modnewb
I agree Dale, awesome way to start the year. I have taken notes about what I found not intuitive. I remember find a site about usecode a while back but it doesn't seem to be around anymore. I may be able to help host a site dedicated to docs (on a subdomain at, not sure what kind of traffic it could handle. A wiki would be awesome though :)

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:09 pm
by Dominus
I'd very much prefer if one could outline the necessary steps so I can add it to the ES documentation. The more fleshed out the better :)
I'm totally out of the loop with Exult Studio - that's why I wasn't able to properly answer before. I just didn't know the steps myself and needed time to get my hands dirty :)

Edit: the reason I'd rather have it be part of the dics is that external sites tend to vanish, even Marzos, even of those that promised their site would NEVER EVER vanish...

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:49 pm
by modnewb
I understand what you mean, sites tend to disappear over time. Mine doubles as a portfolio, so the plan is to keep it around as long as I live. There appears to be a chance that someday even I will expire.

I will make my notes available when I get back around to working on the project. I'll make the mod available too, just don't get your hopes up for anything on the same level as the key ring mod.

Thanks again for all the info.

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:04 pm
by Dominus
The keyring mod is insane ;)

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:48 am
by Dominus
now this all inspired me to return to SourceForge Island and fix it for current Exult. It works correctly now again and you can download it from our mods section on the download page (bottom).

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:02 am
by Dale
It worked when I was going through everything, too. How did it need fixing? Got a bit lost in some of the more complicated items in there, but it is the only reason I was able to figure out any dialogue stuff.
Dammit... why does everyone have to suddenly get so gung-ho when life is the busiest!? I was on medical leave from work when I was working on it before and free time was abundant! Well damn.. I'll have to make time in the near future. So excited again!

Re: First mod starting point...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:35 am
by Dominus
It mostly needed prettying up. Only one important usecode fix: Amys face wasn't showing when she cut in during conversations with other NPCs.
The reason isthat her face # doesn't match her NPC #.
Adding the real NPC with her face as a const int named AMYFACE and using that during the quest conversations fixed that.
Gave Colourless a ghost body, Nadir's schedule changed to patrol instead of pacing (we might have a bug there, he walked all over the map), fixed the position of the penguin statue.

As for being busy, Exult will not run away, after a year waiting for a proper answer, things can wait a bit longer ;)