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Re: Report while playing through Ultima VII

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 11:23 pm
by Tribun
Finally played through Hythloth and finished the game. Here a few final impressions.

-These liches with their instant death bolt (again, they didn't do that in the original) were REALLY annoying, especially the two close to the end.
-Now, when sitting on the throne of virtue, lightning should zap the Avatar without damage, instead of creating a fire field in front of the throne.
-The Guardian's speech when teleporting to the Black Gate should freeze the screen until he's done. Here however Batlin starts talking right away.
-When placing a prism on a pedestal, all gumps should be closed automatically, like in the original.
-In the end sequence, there really shouldn't be subtitles when speech is enabled. I find this incredibly annoying, since it ruins any chances for good screenshots. After all, you got the subtitles out of the intro when the Guardian is speaking. The original also didn't have subtitles when speech was turned on.
-Speaking of the intro, there is room for improvement. The static at the start and end of the Guardian's appearance is way too short and also missing its sound, the zoom-out from the screen is too fast and also missing its sound as well as when the Avatar slaps the screen. The moongate is also missing its sound and the music should fade out when the scene changes.
-The final message how long I needed to win the game is missing.
-Instead of being booted to Windows, the game should return to the game's main menu (shouldn't be difficult to do).

All in all this version of Exult is a VAST improvment over the one I play last (three years ago) and already catches the spirit of the game quite good. The main issue now is the fine work.

I hope my journey through Britannia does help with further development and the fixing of these problems.

Re: Report while playing through Ultima VII

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:10 am
by TDI
Not sure about BG, but in SI I can remember very well a Lich in the northern mountains insta-killing me with one of those damned purple death bolts.

This must have been ages ago. But I vividly remember seeing that purple bolt on the screen, I just had time to think "FU.." and next thing I was on monk isle.