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Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:33 am
by Malignant Manor
SI BG Merge Version 6.7

The file is archived in 7z format to dramatically reduce file size (Original is 7MB). Just add the files to your patch directory.

*** SI BG Merge Version 6.7 2007, 11, 1 ***

SI BG Merge is now setup as a mod.The "mods" folder gets copied into your Serpent Isle directory.

Setup fortue teller sequence that will choose what class the Avatar will have. The Avatar walks into the wagon, but the walk can be interrupted. The sequence will still finish reguardless. It is setup to start the SI boat dropping sequence after completion. The boat drop sequence is buggy as to where the camera starts at and Avatar rendering.

BG Spell book, spells, and the new spellcasting system are in more detail in the file Spellbook.txt. The spellbook has an error once in awhile with spells that require a target. The text and pictures don't close so you might not be able to see someone to target.

Generic PC settings are setup for Dupre, Iolo, Jaana, Julia, Katrina, Laurianna, Mariah, Sentri, Shamino, Sherry, Spark, Trellek, and Tseramed. They are there mostly so they can join the party.
Somewhat more inclusive conversation trees for Tseramed modified from an old draft by Wizardry Dragon.
The PCs aren't setup due to the fact that the usecode for the npcs changes after I reload. It should work whenever the usecode gets upgraded to the current version.

A bug with ES was fixed so that I could finally save only the modified and added shapes (at the cost of reimporting every shape) so file size has been dramatically reduced.

New keymapping has been added. Ctrl-M is overwritten to display the BG cloth map. Alt-B is the BG spellbook.

Integrated Marzo's Spell fixes (from SI Fixes mod) minus the Serpent Bond exploit fix.

Telescope works.

Blackrock exploding is broken since the compiler used is old and the intrinsic changed.

*** Corrections ***

Removed invisibility dust since I found out it was listed under sleeping powder already.

Last release didn't have written copyright on several source files.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:05 pm
by Donfrow

What area does it lockup at? Do you at least know which body/bodies are having problems?

It was the blue area just beneath the Serpent Gate and the mountain area that you teleport to in Mountains of Freedom. This area was modified however and no longer in its original form.

I had tried all the restarting and kept copying over original files which is how I determined that tfa.dat was the file causing the issue however, but it's been awhile since it happened that I don't recall if I tried it using the original map or not.

I ended up using my original tfa.dat file and changing the colour of the blood in the individual frames to avoid the lockup.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:10 pm
by Quentin
Hey Malignant Manor, any plans to merge SI files into BG as well? I've already added a couple of shapes from SI into BG (bear, undead, boar) within the Keyring mod, btw.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:07 pm
by Malignant Manor
Hey Malignant Manor, any plans to merge SI files into BG as well? I've already added a couple of shapes from SI into BG (bear, undead, boar) within the Keyring mod, btw.

There is still a whole lot that needs done with this project like getting chunks made and getting items to work or work properly.

One reason I chose to mod SI is because of limitations in BG itself and BG has several mods that would be incompatible without a lot of changes. I don't know of any released mods of SI other than SI Fixes and that is relatively easy to merge. BG has several things missing like cloaks and earring slots. Gauntlets don't allow rings to be worn at the same time. BG doesn't have freezing or overheating. Using the reagent ring for the BG is about impossible without redoing both spellbooks. (Well, one would have been done anyway.) I don't think I could do Ophidian font, because I've never gotten added fonts to work properly.

Another major reason is SI usually adds frames and usecode to existing items and very few instances does it take them away so that makes for a whole lot less comparing of frames and usecode and writing usecode. You cannot name separate frames so that means more separate shapes and used functions or a generic name for the items to be added to BG. Basically I figured that SI would be easier to do and that SI has many superior additions that simply can't be done in BG and much fewer thing lost when brought to SI.

The only thing I think SI loses that BG wouldn't are extra runestone settings (which Marzo says he could do with changes that require extensive testing), swamp boots (haven't tested but since it is a single frame shape, an added frame should work) and possibly the games (I'm sure they could be done, but I believe I won't be able to code it properly).

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:44 am
by keldorn
I unzipped and copied the files into the SI mod folder already. How do I see the difference? Started a new SI game, selected this module, had the gypsy thing at the start but where do I find the companions from BG? Thanks.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:32 am
by Malignant Manor
Your question about companions was explained in my previous post.

The PCs aren't setup due to the fact that the usecode for the npcs changes after I reload. It should work whenever the usecode gets upgraded to the current version. This mod is mostly made so that people can use the shapes from Black Gate and have them function when imported, but also has some added features. Use Exult Studio to import items.

The class you choose with the fortune teller only handicaps the Avatar's spell casting right now unless you choose a mage since classes aren't finished. You can use the black gate spellbook by just dragging it in. You can either use set flag 1600 (wizard mode) to access all spells or look in "headers" folder inside the "source" folder and read "SI_BG_Merge_Flags.uc" to find out the flag for each individual spell. Iolo, Dupre, Shamino, and Gwenno from SI can use the spell book as well.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:10 pm
by Donfrow
MM, how did you go about allowing the BG weapons to be equipped graphically (not in the paperdoll graphic sense)?

I am trying to make a custom weapon, using the same graphics as the 2 handed axe but I can't seem to get it to display graphically. The paper doll graphic works by modifying your paperdol_info.txt and copying the existing 2 handed axe info and changing the shape# to match the shape# of my new weapon.

I copied all the frames from the normal SI 2 handed axe graphic for the custom weapon in ES but it will not show it being equipped in the Avatar's hand while walking around. I've set everything in ES the same as you had setup the Death Scythe.

Was there an additional file you had to modify in order for it to show up in the Avatar's hands while walking around?


Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:04 am
by Malignant Manor
There is a different in-hand offset for each frame of a shape that needs to be set. When setting, you also need to make sure you apply each frame individually. If it is the same as the 2 handed axe then the frames would be offset as follows:

Frame / offset x, y
0 / 255, 255
1 / 1, 3
2 / 4, 2
3 / 10, 4
4 / 4, 11

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:27 am
by marzo
BG doesn't have freezing or overheating.
Yet. Yes, this is a spoiler :-) It is in the list I have *done* (not on the "to do yet") but haven't committed yet.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:57 pm
by Donfrow
Forgive me for being dense MM, but I can't seem to get it to work.

Looking at the file, the normal 2 handed axe is as follows:

#:wshape/ wf/ trans/ spot/ type/ gender/ shape/ frame/ f2/ f3/ f4

# Two Handed Axe
:601/ -1/ 1/ 3/ 2/ 0/ 5/ 0
:601/ -1/ 1/ 12/ 2/ 0/ 5/ 1

So what you are saying is I would add the offsets into the frame / f2 /etc. However the description given to these in the file seems like it's not the off sets for that. Am I misunderstandings?

I did try using those values in the frame (I added an extra column) but it yielded no results.

I also tried searching up 255 in the paperdoll file but it was not found. Is it in that file or another one?

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:46 am
by marzo
Forgive me for being dense MM, but I can't seem to get it to work.

Looking at the file, the normal 2 handed axe is as follows:
It is not in that file; it is in ES. Specifically, in shapes.vga: double-click the shape/frame in question and you will see weapon in-hand offsets. You have to set and apply them for each frame.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:17 pm
by Donfrow
Wow I can't believe I never noticed that in ES. Thanks a ton.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:20 pm
by marzo
It happens :-)

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:16 pm
by Malignant Manor
SI BG Merge Ver 6.8

*** SI BG Merge Version 6.8 2008, 9, 14 ***

bodies.txt, shapes.vga,Added blank frame to beginning of bodyshape now that Exult needs it and updated frame numbers

Removed normal scroll text that was on magic scroll shape and replaced it with scrolls that can have spells cast from them and/or be added to the spellbook

Added 2 spellbook classes (quality 5 and 6) (based off of Marzo's keyring) that can use the magic scrolls. Added reagent counting function to the spellbook

shape_info.txt, Added dehardcoded invisibily casting, cold immunity, food drop, etc to a few shapes

Fixed combatibility issue with Energy Mist shape (1348)

Checked equipment of added monsters and updated if needed

Fixed Magic Storm attacking party members other than the Avatar when they casted the spell.

Smoke bombs now make bees flee.

Giant bones now produce ammo

Improved code in various

Abbey doors now work properly bug need sfx

Fixed a lot of new compiler warnings.

Ask what wax to use when sealing a box if more than one type

made it so you can fill troughs

fixed double target bug with bucket (shape 825)

added a new fire frame and wrote code to make put out fire not have surrounding stones disappear

fix ore shapes

made BG party members npcs

probably several more not noted


Quality 255 uses the Original SI spellbook data and can transcribe and dump scrolls.
Quality 5 and 6 store seperate data and can use the new magic scroll shapes to add spells
Quality 0 and one use the same global flags.
Quality 2 and 3 use the same global flags.
Quality 4 is a full spellbook.

Magic scroll:

Qualities 0 through 84 only Add to spellbook unless over HighestSpellbookQuality ie over Time stop,
Qualities 85 through 170 only Cast from the scroll.
Qualities 170 through 255 Add to spellbook unless over HighestSpellbookQuality + 170 ie Time stop and Cast from the scroll.

Re: SI BG Merge

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:17 pm
by Malignant Manor
Patch for latest version

This is a patch for SI BG Merge Version 6.8. It adds the proper face for SI spellbook and includes the source file I modified for the UCC compiler. The compiler file is not needed and is only included because I left the binary in last version. I recommend that you don't use it since it eliminates one or more warning messages.