#exult full logs for 9 Nov 2012 (GMT)

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[00:29:11] <-- SHODAN has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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[00:37:10] <-- Malignant_Manor has left IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 16.0.2/20121024073032])
[01:11:50] <sh4rm4> was the regression coming from the "mem leak" fix fixed now ?
[01:12:48] <Marzo> You mean Iolo getting out of jail for free? If so, yes, wjp fixed it
[01:14:05] <sh4rm4> let me check the log, iirc it was something else
[01:16:19] <sh4rm4> <wjp> Marzo: do you think it would be an option to revert that change to Terrain_game_object::remove_this and look at the leak again later?
[01:16:19] <sh4rm4> <Marzo> The leak made the disappearing objects bug worse; if it is still lurking there, we could see a resurgence
[01:16:36] <sh4rm4> was that only the iolo thing ?
[01:41:00] <Colourless> Dominus, yep real life keeps getting in my way. Keep meaning to do it, as it wont take me long to fix that bug, but something else keeps getting in my way
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[07:32:50] <-- SHODAN has left IRC (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[09:22:50] --> Serel has joined #exult
[09:29:02] <Dominus> marzo, what I meant with old saves was whether the sitting in the air bug is only fixed in new games. because in old savegames the sitting in the air is not fixed.
[09:29:26] <Marzo> Oh, that
[09:29:38] <Dominus> I can still reproduce the chache-out/in reset to their schedule start positions
[09:29:57] <Marzo> If you let time pass enough so that the characters change to a different schedules then back, it should go away
[09:30:10] <Marzo> I didn't fix that; maybe I should
[09:30:24] <Dominus> and when their previous schedule was sitting they will also just sit in their new schedule start
[09:30:59] <Dominus> example is in the blue boar with shamino sitting at the piano before his eating schedule
[09:31:15] <Marzo> OK, will look into it
[09:31:23] <Dominus> thanks
[09:32:35] <Dominus> to reproduce in blue boar, observe shamino at 5:30pm at the piano, then sleep in a nearby house for one hour. when you return he will sit in the air in the postion he had at the piano (facing the wall)
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[11:01:30] <Serel> I should do some more, uh, "blind testing" of Exult. (Which really means playing a game I should be playing except I have an excuse to be in this chatroom)
[11:17:07] <Dominus> he he
[11:24:04] <-- Marzo has left IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[11:24:57] <Dominus> Marzo: I added two savegames to https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2719334&group_id=2335&atid=102335 that showcase the problems
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[14:02:54] <Dominus> Colourless, I understand :)
[14:03:10] <Dominus> If you ever find a *lot* of time you could take a look at the mpu/sysex problems, too. Key word is *finding* I guess :)
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[19:33:32] <-- Marzo has left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:49:44] <sh4rm4> good evening
[19:59:51] <TheCycoONE> hello
[20:10:14] <Dominus> hush hush, nothing to see here... move on...
[20:16:17] <Serel> I'm suddenly struck with the life-changing decision of whether I should play IV, V or VI first...
[20:31:08] <TheCycoONE> 4
[20:32:09] <TheCycoONE> 5 doesn't mean as much without having the virtues drilled into you in 4 imho
[20:32:25] <TheCycoONE> and it's too good to miss
[20:32:48] <Serel> Should I try to install the VGA graphics mod?
[20:32:50] <TheCycoONE> plus character transfer means less grinding
[20:33:11] <Serel> I like grinding. Don't judge me >:V
[20:34:00] <TheCycoONE> I liked the vga and music mods, though it will make 4 look better than 5. If you can live with that it's probably an improvement.
[20:35:22] <Serel> Though it seemed to just break my GoG.com installation of Ultima IV as part of the 3-pack
[20:37:26] <TheCycoONE> There is a patcher designed for the gog version, is that what you're using?
[20:37:40] <Serel> Nope
[20:38:27] <TheCycoONE> Look for Pix's Ultima Patcher
[20:38:49] <TheCycoONE> it's designed to make it easy to apply patches for all the Gog versions
[20:40:07] <Serel> Oh well, gonna hope I can understand how to get through Ultima IV...
[20:40:35] <TheCycoONE> http://www.pixsoriginadventures.co.uk/category/ultima-patcher/ is the official page
[20:40:51] <TheCycoONE> u4 isn't complicated, just rtfm :)
[20:40:55] <Serel> Downloading ultimapatcher.rar right now
[20:42:06] <Serel> ... I find it a bit ironic that I can enjoy playing games like Analogue and text-heavy RPGs but I don't spend enough time r(-ing)tfm
[20:42:49] <TheCycoONE> heh
[20:43:36] <Serel> Do I just run the .exe, try to point it generally where I have Ultima installed, and then hope for thebest?
[20:44:06] <TheCycoONE> it gives you a list of patches to apply/remove etc.
[20:45:47] <Serel> I think I'll download the lone freeware from GoG so that I don't have to rifle through the mess that is anything I installed less thana minute ago
[20:46:15] <TheCycoONE> alright
[20:46:30] <TheCycoONE> it is designed to work with the gog 3 in 1, but it might want it to be a fresh install
[20:46:45] <TheCycoONE> graphical and easy, unlike the old patches
[20:46:48] <-- Matt_O has left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[20:48:37] <Serel> Last time I tried to mod Ultima IV, it resulted in being unresponsive to everything
[20:52:46] <Sevalecan> lol
[20:54:00] <Serel> Still broken ...
[20:54:39] <TheCycoONE> what happened?
[20:54:46] <Serel> Nothing works.
[20:56:00] <TheCycoONE> You ran the updater and nothing came up?
[20:56:07] <TheCycoONE> (it's a windows tool, not dosbox)
[20:57:29] <Serel> No, Ultima IV is unresponsive to everything
[20:57:52] <TheCycoONE> try editing the dosbox config and changing cpu to auto
[20:58:08] <TheCycoONE> I think the patch makes it not need fixed cycles
[20:59:58] <-- Dominus has left IRC (Read error: No route to host)
[21:00:11] <TheCycoONE> otherwise I don't know, never heard of problems with it, but maybe people just arn't talking
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[21:00:44] <TheCycoONE> as an alternative you could use xu4
[21:02:26] <Serel> No idea how to do that
[21:03:11] <Serel> Well, I can apparently skip the animation in the beginning... But then my keyboard doesn't work
[21:07:19] <TheCycoONE> curious
[21:07:24] <TheCycoONE> usually dosbox works for you?
[21:07:28] <Serel> Yes
[21:08:01] <TheCycoONE> I don't know, sorry.
[21:08:17] <Serel> What the hell am I supposed to press when I open Ultima IV?
[21:09:13] <Serel> Oh. Never mind
[21:10:15] <TheCycoONE> that game uses pretty much every key on the board
[21:10:39] <TheCycoONE> and a small set of conversation topics... at least read the quick-reference
[21:10:44] <Serel> Started outside Moonglow, what the heck is my class...
[21:11:33] <TheCycoONE> moonglow... a mage iirc
[21:12:38] <Serel> I suspected so. Woo!
[21:12:44] <TheCycoONE> you can rig the class with the questions at the beginning
[21:12:48] <Serel> Vas kal an mani... Wait, that's too early
[21:14:33] <TheCycoONE> heh
[21:15:01] <TheCycoONE> there's no spell circles in ultima 4, you just need the reagents and the mp
[21:15:44] <TheCycoONE> or... no mp either? I don't remember, hit z to see your stats
[21:16:40] <Serel> And the manual? Oh well, guess as a mage it's a choice between grinding to not get your lungs slapped out by a mouse and grinding to have enough cash for reagents.
[21:16:58] <Serel> Darn, gotta go now... Probably not long enough to bother even closing IRC
[21:30:22] <-- TheCycoONE has left IRC (Quit: And then there were n-1)
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[22:50:38] * Serel returns heralded by a rabbit trying to operate a small trumpet
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[22:57:00] <Serel> Woo, I fought off a Rogue and got meself loot :D
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[23:03:53] <Serel> I notice the manual doesn't realy say much about Ultima IV's reagents...
[23:23:36] <Serel> The only reason I know I can tell Iolo to join is because of the later Ultima games, is that strange?
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[23:37:59] <TheCycoONE> there's a second manual
[23:38:06] <TheCycoONE> the book of mystic wisdom
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