#exult full logs for 9 May 2020 (GMT)

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[00:14:29] --> BrainChild has joined #exult
[00:24:44] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:34:42] --> DominusExult has joined #exult
[01:34:42] <-- DominusExult has left IRC (Changing host)
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[01:34:42] --- ChanServ gives channel operator status to DominusExult
[01:38:23] <-- Dominus has left IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:38:23] --- DominusExult is now known as Dominus
[02:22:25] --> BrainChild has joined #exult
[02:34:55] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[03:54:53] <-- Rottingbeef-2 has left IRC ()
[04:32:08] --> BrainChild has joined #exult
[04:46:20] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[06:41:54] --> BrainChild has joined #exult
[06:57:18] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[07:09:08] <-- Lightkey has left IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[07:16:25] --> Marzo has joined #exult
[07:21:04] --> Lightkey has joined #exult
[08:33:38] <Dominus> why is building Exult with mingw so slooooooow :)
[08:38:14] <Dominus> But seriously, Marzo, do you have any idea how to handle my cross compiling woes? it all boils down to two issues now:
[08:40:00] <Dominus> 1. in makefile.common that it executes "expack$(EXEEXT)" - for cross compile I would need to execute expack, and at best have a EXPACK variable that can point to the path of expack (as I've added elsewhere for cross compile via ./configure)
[08:40:47] <Dominus> 2. in makefile.mingw a way to set a different windres and dllwrap
[08:41:32] <Dominus> maybe adding a $(TARGET) in front would work already.
[08:42:12] <Marzo> Building with mingw is slow because of 2 things: 1. you probably are not passing -j<N> for more jobs; and 2. process creation in Windows is very slow
[08:42:35] <Marzo> You should see how slow ./configure is on Windows compared to Linux/OSX
[08:43:03] <Dominus> I'm setting TARGET in the cross-make.sh https://pastebin.com/4KiU5rcH and the binary names are i686-w64-mingw32-dllwrap i686-w64-mingw32-windres
[08:43:07] <Marzo> And the reason why I wantd to setup AppVeyor for this is it does a native Windows build
[08:43:14] <Marzo> So no need for cross-compilation
[08:43:42] <Dominus> yeah, I did pass on -j but still... phew :)
[08:44:53] <Dominus> but I am surprised that eventually it did create the exult.exe :)
[08:45:08] <Dominus> now I need to test whether it actually works
[08:45:12] <Marzo> In fact, sometimes builds even fail in mingw because quickly creating and destroying a lot of processes (i.e., running lots of programs; this is dirt cheap in Linux) is expensive enough in Windows that it causes a process creation to fail
[08:46:52] <Dominus> and it fails to run on a real Windows :(
[08:53:54] <azeem> are there plans to switch to a different build system? Guess not, cause it's a lot of work. If not, I can open a branch and start working on making the autotools build system "make dist" compliant in case I find time
[08:54:08] <azeem> or is this something that's not really needed/wanted?
[08:54:41] --> BrainChild has joined #exult
[08:59:16] <Dominus> I definitely would not like to switch build systems :) but make dist would be nice to have
[09:00:53] <azeem> ok
[09:01:55] <azeem> switching to cmake would have the advantage that you'd only one build system for Linux/MacOS/Windows, but I think it'd be too much work with unclear risks
[09:03:02] <Dominus> yes, that's my takeaway, too
[09:10:40] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[09:48:59] <-- Marzo has left IRC (Disconnected by services)
[09:49:05] --> uohcmjzxpdpnqvnz has joined #exult
[09:49:07] --- uohcmjzxpdpnqvnz is now known as mzjyaatvahnxtjyy
[09:49:11] --- mzjyaatvahnxtjyy is now known as Marzo
[11:07:20] --> BrainChild has joined #exult
[11:08:05] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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[11:41:59] <-- Marzo has left IRC (Disconnected by services)
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[11:45:54] --> BrainChi_ has joined #exult
[11:47:56] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[12:01:48] --> Rottingbeef-2 has joined #exult
[12:56:03] <-- RadoS has left IRC (Quit: not planned disconnect)
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[14:37:46] <-- Marzo has left IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[15:36:38] <-- BrainChi_ has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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[15:38:58] <-- Marzo has left IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[16:19:31] --> BrainChild has joined #exult
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[17:35:54] <-- BrainChild has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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[20:48:11] <-- Marzo has left IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[20:53:18] <Dominus> awwww that fucker deleted my stickied posts, it seems
[20:54:28] --> BrainChild has joined #exult