#exult full logs for 19 Mar 2021 (GMT)

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[01:47:44] travis-ci: exult/exult#629 (snapshot-v1.7.0.20210319 - 1642981 : DominusExult): The build passed.
[01:47:44] travis-ci: Change view : https://github.com/exult/exult/compare/snapshot-v1.7.0.20210319
[01:47:44] travis-ci: Build details : https://travis-ci.com/exult/exult/builds/220568879
[12:20:50] Dominus: BrainChild: you can try whether https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0cd9soh62b8q0n/scummvm.ipa?dl=0 works for you. Are you on Apple or Windows? On Windows it might just work by dragging the ipa via iTunes onto your iOS device
[12:22:10] Dominus: if it doesn't work, you might need to give me your current UUIDs of your iOS devices. From the early Exult tests I still have the UUIDs of your iphone 6 and ipad Air or so (they are still registered in my developer devices list)
[13:15:24] BrainChild: Hi Dominus
[13:15:26] BrainChild: I'm on Mac
[13:15:28] BrainChild: let me cehck
[13:19:18] Dominus: on a mac, you need to use finder, or better yet, Apple Configurator
[13:28:56] BrainChild: ok. I'll download the apple configurator
[13:29:03] BrainChild: With finder is it drag and drop?¿
[14:03:27] BrainChild: darn Apple Configurator 2 is 10.15.6 or higher, I'm on 10.14.x
[14:11:01] BrainChild: drag and drop in itunes copys the ipa but then does not show it on iphone
[14:18:03] Dominus: meh
[14:18:59] Dominus: send me your device's UUID per private message. *MAYBE* I need those to get an ad hoc build to run on your devices
[14:19:35] Dominus: It's been a while since I did those. don't rememer everything since switching to TestFlight
[14:24:29] BrainChild: ok..
[14:24:38] BrainChild: yeah testflight rocks
[16:53:06] Dominus: BrainChild: try this one https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1cyckc1qyfm6al/scummvm.ipa?dl=0
[16:53:17] BrainChild: ok ..
[16:53:49] Dominus: I think this one should work, it really needed an updated provisioning profile and indeed up to date UUIDs of all devices it should run on
[16:56:42] BrainChild: rocking :)
[16:56:52] BrainChild: will this stop working after a few days?
[16:57:19] Dominus: i have no idea :)
[16:57:51] Dominus: but seriously it shoud at least run as long as a TestFlight build, so around 90 days
[16:59:25] Dominus: hmm, actually it might be good as long as my developer account is valid
[17:00:05] Dominus: you might want to ping me from time to time to get an update. This is the latest Git of ScummVM
[17:04:47] Dominus: BrainChild: https://docs.scummvm.org/en/latest/other_platforms/ios.html has some instructions about how to get the game son the device and the controls in the lower part
[17:05:57] BrainChild: ok thanks mate
[17:14:40] Dominus: no problem. I hope you can enjoy the games a bit like this. the ScummVM controls are seriously lacking compared to how great Exult's are now
[17:16:40] BrainChild: yeah, Exult controls rock..
[17:16:44] BrainChild: the Dpad is very cool
[17:40:20] Dominus: very much, it took long enought to get that working nicely
[18:13:40] Dominus: Marzo: I wonder whether the mingw readme should state "type *and enter* the command" :)
[18:14:47] Marzo: Anyone trying to compile on mingw/msys can be assumed to have *some* understanding of how command lines work
[18:27:26] Dominus: yes, that's why I didn't change it after all. It's just that when you write that stuff you suddenly want to make it baby proof.